Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Shout Out to my Capitalist Peeps!

Is it that Communism is spreading? Or, have I merely discovered the source of the Communist scourge in my home?

Yesterday, I offered my husband a marshmallow Peep. He refused, saying, "I don't like Peeps."


He doesn't like Peeps??? Why, that's un-American! That's just wrong! (note that "wrong" and "un-American" are basically the same thing). Not liking Peeps is like saying that you don't like apple pie! It's like saying that your favorite colors aren't red, white and blue! It's like saying that the gospel of democracy shouldn't be spread to all peoples through the use of force, regardless of whether or noy they desire it. Gosh, not liking Peeps is just like saying, "Nah, freedom just isn't for me, yo." What in the world is up with that???

So, in honor of the peeps of the good ol' US of A, I've decided to dedicate this post to educating all you good Amerkins about marshmallow Peeps.

According to Wikipedia, Peeps are made from marshmallow, corn syrup, gelatin, and carnauba wax (whatever that is)... They are produced by Just Born, a candy manufacturer founded in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania by Russian immigrant Sam Born. In 1953, Just Born acquired the Rodda Candy Company and its marshmallow chick line, then turned the tedious process of hand-forming the chicks to mass production. Can you imagine hand-forming them??? I bet that my friend Rachel would do it. She makes things like homemade Oreo cookies. She rocks like that.

The yellow chicks were the original form of the candy, but then the company introduced other colors and, eventually, the myriad shapes in which they are now produced. Did you know that Peeps now come in shapes and colors to fit into ALL of your holiday celebrations? Well, they do! Now, that's good ol' Amerkin capitalism for ya, there! Now, there are pink Peeps, blue Peeps, and even CHOCOLATE-DIPPED PEEPS! Oh, baby, yeah! Plus, there are marshmallow bunnies, pumpkins, ghosts and kitties for halloween- and CHOCOLATE-DIPPED PUMPKINS! Oh, yes, the chocolate! AND, there are snowmen, reindeer, Christmas trees, and other designs for Christmas, including CHOCOLATE!!! And, what better way to say "I love you," than by giving your sweetie a valentine-themed marshmallow treat, also available in CHOCOLATE!?

I am telling you, fellow Amerkins, Peeps deserve an award for being so gee-golly Amerkin. I mean, look at them! Not only have they capitalized on the success of the original marshmallow Peeps by making other shapes that make it possible to purchase them year-round, but you can also get them covered in CHOCOLATE!!! Truly, it takes Amerkin innovation and creativity to come up with such an ingenious idea. I LOVE IT!!!

And, why do I love it so much, you may ask? Because I'm an Amerkin! (not a communist like my husband).

If you'd like more information about Peeps, check out their website at peeps.com, or google peeps images. There are some great pictures online!

Here are a few that I liked:

Lookit the pretty colors...

The new spokesman for cigarettes. Watch out, Marlboro Man...

Does anyone else remember this episode of Star Trek? If you've never seen it, you've got to check out "Trouble With Tribbles" on YouTube. It's my very favorite episode!

Is it considered child abuse to make a child look so delicious?



  1. Don't forget Peepsters....the miniaturized Peep! Also I have to say that that I have concerns about bro in law's girlfriend...perhaps she is communist? She is a New Englander who hates chocolate, peanut butter AND maple syrup! How un-american is that? Lol its just weird!
